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Version: 1.x.x (Joomla 4)

Using the plugin

The Paper Manager plugin loads Paper Manager publications within content (ex. articles). It works in a similar way with the Content - Load Modules plugin, which is included in the core Joomla distribution. Special code snippets are used in the content that are translated into HTML code (lists of papers) in the front-end.

You have to enable the plugin before using it. To do this, navigate to System Manage Plugins and enable Content - Paper Manager Plugin.

From the same page (System Manage Plugins Content - Paper Manager Plugin), the plugin's default parameters can also be edited.

Getting started with the Paper Manager plugin

  • From the article manager, create an article titled Journal Publications and a menu item of the same name targeting this single article.
  • Edit this article and insert the following code in its content:


  • From the article manager, create an article titled Author 2 and a menu item of the same name targeting this single article.
  • Edit this article and insert the following code in its content:


  • Create two menu items pointing to the two newly created articles.



Code snippets syntax

Code snippets should be written in the following form. Each snippet works as a query to the plugin. The plugin processes the queries, retrieves the appropriate papers and generates the HTML code for each query/paper list.


X denotes a value. Six constraints are used in a single snippet:

  • authors: The ID of a single author or the IDs of multiple authors separated by comma.
    • Value range: 1 | ... | n | any
    • Examples: 1,20,12,23, any
  • categories: The ID of a single category or the IDs of multiple categories separated by comma.
    • Value range: 1 | ... | n | any
    • Examples: 1,20,12,23, any
  • years: A single year (four digit format) or multiple years separated by comma.
    • Value range: YYYY | any
    • Examples: 2013,2014, any
  • months: A single month (range from 1 to 12 format) or multiple months separated by comma.
    • Value range: 1 | ... | 12 | any
    • Examples: 7, any
  • lab: Defines whether to retrieve papers produced in the lab or outside of it. Value 1 stands for produced in the lab and 2 for not produced in the lab.
    • Value range: 1 | 2 | any
    • Examples: 1, 2, any
  • style: The code that will wrap the papers lists. ( more... )
    • Value range: ul | ol | olreversed | div | none | default
    • Example: olreversed

To omit a constraint from the query, its value should be set to any. authors, categories, years, months and lab can be set to any if you don't want to constrain the output to some specific value. any does not work for style though. style accepts the value default in order to make use of the style set in the default plugin's parameters.

Plugin parameters

To edit the parameters of the plugin, navigate to System Manage Plugins Content - Paper Manager Plugin.


The style of the code that will wrap papers lists. It can get the values ul | ol | olreversed | div | none | default. Each style outputs the following HTML code:

ul - Wrapped by unordered list
<ul class="papermanager_front_list">
<li class="papermanager_front_list_item">Item 1</li>
<li class="papermanager_front_list_item">Item 2</li>
<li class="papermanager_front_list_item">Item n</li>
ol - Wrapped by ordered list
<ol class="papermanager_front_list">
<li class="papermanager_front_list_item">Item 1</li>
<li class="papermanager_front_list_item">Item 2</li>
<li class="papermanager_front_list_item">Item n</li>
olreversed - Wrapped by reverse ordered list
<ol reversed="" class="papermanager_front_list">
<li class="papermanager_front_list_item">Item 1</li>
<li class="papermanager_front_list_item">Item 2</li>
<li class="papermanager_front_list_item">Item n</li>
div - Wrapped by Divs
<div class="papermanager_front_list">
<div class="papermanager_front_list_item">Item 1</div>
<div class="papermanager_front_list_item">Item 2</div>
<div class="papermanager_front_list_item">Item n</div>

As it can be noticed, certain CSS classes are assigned to the generated HTML code to provide a way of stylizing the output. The following CSS rules can be used as a template:

ul.papermanager_front_list li.papermanager_front_list_item{
ol.papermanager_front_list li.papermanager_front_list_item{
div.papermanager_front_list div.papermanager_front_list_item{